Is it possible to relive incidents 

from our past life?


Some time ago, Ramón (a fictitious name) came to my office, trying to deal with a problem of sugar addiction, which had led him to an alarming overweight in the recent years of his life. As often happens in cases like this, I suggested the application of a therapy known as Time Regression, with the purpose of exploring in his past life, trying to find possible causes for that addicted condition.

In a state of hypnotic trance, my client visited an incident of his childhood, closely linked with his current problem. It was the eve of his fifth anniversary party. That night, Ramón discovered "accidentally" his birthday cake, which his mother had put out of reach in a strategic place in the kitchen. Before the marvelous spectacle of that gigantic sky-blue cake of three levels (as Ramon described it), the index finger of the boy was timidly introduced in the thick layer of glaze, only to anticipate a little the pleasure he would share the next day with his friends.

Ramón went to bed, that was probably the first insomnia of his life. The silence of the house, an unequivocal sign that her parents were deeply asleep, represented an impossible temptation to resist. What happened that night in the kitchen, could only be understood the next day by Ramon's parents, observing what was left of that, in another moment, gigantic sky-blue cake of three levels.

That night's assault on the kitchen represented a severe reprimand for the child by his parents, but the climax of his humiliation was that, by unanimous decision, his fifth anniversary party was canceled. Although my client knew that something out of the ordinary had happened in some celebration of his childhood, he had not been able to remember, during his adult life, the details of that incident. The Time Regression Therapy was the tool that made him relive the emotion of his party, the vision of that cake, the temptation to savor it, the pleasure of sugar in his mouth, as well as the pain and humiliation before family reaction

In the midst of hypnotic trance, adult-Ramon visited and participated in that incident, comforting and emotionally healing child-Ramon, guided at all times by my voice. That child could, at last, forgive himself, forgive his parents, who, through the imagination of adult-Ramon, asked his son for forgiveness and explained in detail the motivations they had to apply that lesson.

I would miss my professional ethics if I said here that my client completely abandoned his sugar consumption; the truth is that, since then, he has been gradually losing weight because he has managed to balance his diet. The feelings of guilt, which previously tormented him after each meal, have completely disappeared.

The best thing about this profession is that it gives me, day after day, the opportunity to meet extraordinary people like Ramon. A few months ago, I received an invitation to share with his family the celebration of his child's fifth anniversary. Yes, you guessed it, they offered a gigantic sky-blue cake of three levels.