This is the case of a couple of older adults, he 74 and she 72 years old. They both met when they were very young; at that time, experiencing the curiosity of youth, the two began in an activity that was fun then, smoking cigarettes.

Several decades have passed since then; throughout their lives, both have been able to overcome real obstacles to achieve an admirable personal improvement. He controlled his addiction to alcohol and sleeping pills, due to his active participation in self-help groups; while she managed to overcome a dramatic condition of overweight, thanks to the treatment of a Nutritionist and a physical exercise program recommended by a professional trainer. In addition, in recent years, both managed to stabilize a family harmony that had deteriorated over time, attending psychological therapy.
With two children and five grandchildren, everything seemed to be fine for this marriage, except that the addiction to tobacco (nicotine) had reached alarming levels for both. The fact that their medical examinations had not detected any respiratory disease, and that their respective arterial pressures were in the range of "normal", had become, although it seems absurd, a threat to them, since they did not consider that it existed a true motivation to make a change. When they came to my office, the reason they declared on the admission form to request my services was: "Smoking a little less". It was evident that neither of them considered the possibility of permanently suspending the habit.
I explained that, although Hypnotherapy had achieved, with scientific evidence, to be an effective means to overcome the habit of smoking tobacco, there was a possibility that this change would not happen if there was no real motivation, as well as a strong determination to work together with the therapist and predispose the subconscious mind to follow instructions. After a few more recommendations, we started a recovery program individually.
During the first two weeks, both managed to reduce consumption by 50%; however, by the end of the first month of treatment, he had returned to normal consumption, the same one he had maintained throughout most of his life. Through the Age Regression technique, I discovered that he had belonged to a family of compulsive smokers, and that his father had offered him a "little taste" on several occasions to "become a real man". This, coupled with a deep admiration and respect for the father figure, model of male behavior for that child, represented for me a valuable therapeutic element. On the other hand, in her case, using the same regression technique, I discovered that she had started smoking habit to please (and keep) that young boyfriend of whom she had deeply fallen in love, and for whom smoking represented to be finally adult, important, but, above all, "a real man".
At Clinical Hypnosis of Arizona, our therapy is totally focused on the goals of each client; for that reason, after a treatment that could be considered successful, he remained firm in his initial intention of only "smoking a little less", in such a way that, at present, he has decreased the number of cigarettes that he consumes daily in 75%; while she, after knowing the motivations hidden in her husband's childhood, as well as her own, originated in her youth during that romantic relationship, has been liberated in 100% of her addiction.
If you have never tried it, or if you have tried other methods without obtaining the desired results, hypnotherapy is probably the solution for your addiction to nicotine.