Every time we start a new case, the first thing we usually ask our client is if he / she has ever been hypnotized. The most frequent response we receive is negative, usually we are not aware of having ever been hypnotized, although a small percentage admits having climbed a stage to "dance like a chick" or publicly perform some other activity in a state of hypnotic trance .

Based on the above, we want to inform you that hypnosis is such a natural and routine process, that all learned behavior, call driving a car, take a shower, or go shopping to a supermarket, not to say read or write, is the result of a hypnotic process, which has occurred because certain information has had access to our subconscious mind, where it has been recorded and reinforced through more or less constant repetition. In the same way that such information entered to be recorded, that is, learned, it can also be unlearned by entering new and different information, which represents, in Hypnotherapy, the basis of conscious transformation or emotional healing that results in a change of attitude and behavior.

Through the history of humanity, few professions, disciplines or healing arts have been as misunderstood and degraded as hypnosis, more recently, Hypnotherapy. In our daily practice, we have had the opportunity to listen to any number of opinions and interpretations about it; in most of these popular beliefs, the influence of cinema and television can be easily appreciated, where these issues are usually dealt with under the lens of a distorted and alarmist reality, increasing the confusion and ignorance about it.

The most elementary explanation that we would like to share with you is that Hypnotherapy is a process by which the Hypnotherapist induces the individual to a special state of consciousness, where the patient always has total control of the situation. The purpose is to access the subconscious mind, which represents the personal file that we all possess, where the information of all our past experiences is recorded and stored. The reasons for entering this place are strictly therapeutic, from the emotional and transformative point of view.

In our professional practice, hypnosis represents the tool we use to access the origin of an undesirable behavior or situation in the individual's life, once there, through a deep knowledge of human nature, as well as the ability to establish a interpersonal communication based on solidarity and love for others, the therapeutic work is carried out, under a focus of body, mind and spirit.

In a Hypnotherapy session, the client always has control of everything he/she says and does, even to suspend the process at the time they wish; moreover, no person can be hypnotized against their will. Even those who, on a stage, perform acts that they would never do in their daily lives, much less before a large audience, do so by making use of their freedom of choice and with full awareness. No hypnotist is the possessor of "supernatural powers", nor do they have the power to force a person to perform acts that go against their wishes, much less their moral values. The above represents one of the basic, perfectly natural fears that we can all experience at the mere thought of putting our will in the hands of someone else. In Hypnotherapy, that never happens.

Finally, we want to repeat that, based on the premise that any behavior or situation learned by our subconscious can be unlearned, modified in one of its components or completely replaced by another, it seems possible and even logical to think that any addiction, call alcoholism , drug addiction, smoking, compulsive eating, gambling, etc., or any undesirable behavior or situation such as anxiety, stress, insomnia, physical or emotional pain, fears, phobias, co-dependence, etc., can be taken care of by means of an emotional therapy based on hypnosis, that is, Hypnotherapy.

If you have never tried a change, or if you have tried other methods without obtaining the desired results, Hypnotherapy is probably for you.